Sailor Moon Neo Queen Serenity Special Edition
HK$3,280.00《Le Sean x Sailor Moon 系列第二彈》
上年度,Le Sean 與《美少女戰士》在其二十五周年紀念首次跨界推出限定保鮮花擺設,反應熱烈。合作第二回LE SEAN為粉絲們帶來新系列Neo Queen Serenity限量別注版, 以代表高貴典雅的純白鑽石保鮮玫瑰花,襯托出新倩尼迪女皇形象,將漫畫中倩尼迪公主與安迪米奧王子婚禮的經典情節呈現粉絲眼前。
產品包括:Le Sean x Sailor Moon Neo Queen Serenity Special Edition 保鮮花、無線充電器、USB供電線
<<Le Sean x Sailor Moon Vol.2>>
Last year, the first collaboration between Le Sean and Sailor Moon for the anime’s 25th Anniversary has brought enthusiastic responses and popular demand from the fans around the world. This time, our second collaboration goes even further in storytelling and product design - bringing you the Neo Queen Serenity Special Limited Edition. The diamond white rose and the all white set up have been chosen to bring out the elegance and nobility of Neo Queen Serenity, as well as the classic scene of the wedding of Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion which is widely adored by all of the Sailor Moon fans.
Apart from the flower itself,we have integrated technology into our product design - making the moon representing Sailor Moon illuminable. What’s more? the power supply platform can also act as a wireless charging base for smart mobile devices, turning the product into something both beautiful and practical.
Product includes: Le Sean x Sailor Moon Neo Queen Serenity Special Edition preserved flower set, wireless charging base and USB power cable.